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Events Calendar

Ivanti DSM Packaging
From Tuesday, 8. December 2020 -  10:00
To Thursday, 10. December 2020 - 17:00
  • Introduction to the system and basic concepts
    • Infrastructure
    • Computers & Users
    • Global Software Library
  • Deployment of the DSM Client
  • Client components and interaction of the components
  • The different package types
    • Repackaging of legacy applications with the DSM-Spy
    • Importing MSI packages
    • Install and uninstall applications via Silent Setup
    • Configuration packages - concept and deployment scenarios
    • Scripting with the NetInstall scripting language
    • Scripting support for WSH and PowerShell
    • Packaging of Plug-and-Play drivers
    • Patch packages

  • Dependencies of packages and sequence control
  • Package properties such as reboot control, compliance enforcement, etc.
  • Package testing, pilot installations and rollout
  • Software targeting / allocation concepts
  • Revision of packages
  • Log files and troubleshooting
  • Tips & Tricks

Our offer

  • Duration: 3 days
  • Costs: € 599,-- per day and participant
Location Bergisch Gladbach

Zur Anmeldung

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